
간단한 Callback Function 예제

Ronie.Kang 2008. 3. 10. 13:15
간단한 Callback 예제 C / C++

2007/07/28 08:35


// TestCallbackFunction.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define BOOL unsigned int
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

typedef BOOL (*RonieTest_Callback)( int nValue );

typedef struct
 int number;
 char *name;
 RonieTest_Callback bCount_CB;
} WmMyInfo;

BOOL fnConditionCallback_cb( int nValue )
 BOOL bRet = 0;
 if( 0 == (nValue % 2) )
   bRet = 1;
 return bRet;

WmMyInfo *TestLoopFunction( WmMyInfo *pInfo )
  if( pInfo->number == 10 )
   BOOL bRet = pInfo->bCount_CB( pInfo->number );
   if( bRet == TRUE )
    pInfo->name = new char[5];
    memset( pInfo->name, 0, sizeof(char)*5 );
    strncpy( pInfo->name, "Even", strlen("Even") );
    return pInfo;

   return  pInfo;

int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 WmMyInfo *pMyInfo = new WmMyInfo;
 pMyInfo->number = 0;
 pMyInfo->bCount_CB = fnConditionCallback_cb;

 pMyInfo = TestLoopFunction( pMyInfo );

 printf( "Number : %s", pMyInfo->name );

 delete []pMyInfo->name;
 delete pMyInfo;

 return 0;